Playing with C++ std::variant

std::variant is a type-safe union. The following blog post already gives a lot of details and examples related to std::variant. In this short blog post, I want to discuss interesting behavior when non-class types std::variant is initialized with an object.

valueless_by_exception gives an interesting example of what happens if an exception is thrown from operator int(). It's also interesting what happens if an exception is not thrown. Even though std::variant might be declared to hold only non-class types, it's still possible to assign an object of a class that implements e.g. operator int(). In that case, the operator is going to be called, and value is going to be copied to the std::variant. Take a look at the following example:

struct Struct {
  operator int() { return foo; }
  int foo;
std::variant<int, float> bar = Struct();

You can find the full std::variant experimental code here.

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